
Découvrez les dernières nouvelles et les développements en IA et en apprentissage automatique dans le domaine de la thérapie guidée par imagerie (TGI) au Canada.

Comment 16 Bit a mis à profit l’IA pour prévenir les fractures coûteuses, une radiographie à la fois

Comment 16 Bit a mis à profit l’IA pour prévenir les fractures coûteuses, une radiographie à la fois

As with many transformative businesses, 16 Bit came to be because of, sure, the brilliance and vision of its founders, but also a great deal of serendipity. 16 Bit might not exist had Dr. Mark Cicero and Dr. Alexander Bilbily not both chosen to pursue medical school (with backgrounds in engineering and computer science, respectively), had they not both decided to specialize in radiology, and had they not ended up in the same residency training program at the University of Toronto.

INOVAIT reveals Canada’s strategic advantages in image-guided therapy and artificial intelligence in latest report

INOVAIT reveals Canada’s strategic advantages in image-guided therapy and artificial intelligence in latest report

INOVAIT, the pan-Canadian innovation network supporting advancements and commercialization in image-guided therapy (IGT) and artificial intelligence (AI), is excited to share their latest report titled, ‘Unlocking Medtech’s Potential: Canada’s Strategic Advantages in Image-Guided Therapy & AI’. Through synthesized insights from interviews with founders and executives from 30 IGT companies in the INOVAIT Network, this new report uncovers the untapped potential of the image-guided therapy sector in Canada.

Nouvelles du réseau

Série de conférences sur la TGI

Regulating AI in Image-Guided Therapy

Suivre INOVAIT sur les médias sociaux

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