Montreal, QC | Lundi, Juin 3, 2024

 IGT Symposium 2024

Soyez des nôtres pour le 5e Symposium annuel sur la TGI

Le Symposium sur la thérapie guidée par imagerie (TGI) is a est une conférence scientifique où se réunissent des spécialistes des milieux cliniques et de la recherche qui s’intéressent aux nouvelles technologies diagnostiques et thérapeutiques en santé. C’est une excellente occasion de découvrir les recherches en cours et les dernières percées dans le domaine de l’imagerie biomédicale et diagnostique, de l’intelligence artificielle et de la thérapie guidée par imagerie.

Grâce à des conférenciers de renommée mondiale, le Symposium sur la TGI apporte une valeur exceptionnelle à la communauté étudiante, aux universitaires et aux scientifiques de l’industrie qui s’intéressent aux technologies diagnostiques et thérapeutiques émergentes ou qui travaillent dans ce domaine. Cette conférence offre de nombreuses possibilités de réseautage et de rencontre avec d’autres personnes aux vues similaires, en vue de collaborations et de partenariats. Pour les partenaires de l’industrie, le Symposium sur la TGI constitue une vitrine pour les innovations et les technologies de pointe. Découvrez les plus récentes avancées dans le domaine de la thérapie guidée par imagerie, y compris les interventions diagnostiques assistées par ordinateur, les systèmes de planification thérapeutique et d’aide à la décision clinique, les traitements, la simulation et la chirurgie guidée par imagerie, la robotique et la navigation chirurgicale.

An IGT Symposium poster presenter presents their work to an attendee.

Objectifs du Symposium sur la TGI

  • Création d’un forum interactif pour assister à des exposés sur les innovations en matière de diagnostic et de thérapie guidés par imagerie;
  • Exposés sur tous les domaines des soins de santé où le guidage par imagerie est utilisé, notamment traitement du cancer, radiologie interventionnelle, arthroplastie, chirurgies peu invasives et soins cardiovasculaires;
  • Présentations par des universitaires sur de nouvelles découvertes dans leur domaine;
  • Présentations par des membres sectoriels sur la commercialisation de technologies, des nouveaux développements et des produits;
  • Discussions sur le besoin de collaborations et d’expertise; suggestions pour de futurs événements.

Quand :
Monday, June 3, 2024
8:00am – 6:00pm  

Où :

Salon Mont-Royal I & Foyer
Centre Mont-Royal, 2200 Mansfield St, Montreal, Quebec

Rencontrez nos conférenciers de renommée mondiale

Dr.Udunna Anazodo

Dr. Udunna Anazodo‘s research focuses on developing non-invasive PET and MRI techniques for clinical applications in brain imaging, with emphasis on combining the strengths of PET and MRI to enable novel in vivo measurements of brain function.

Dr. Anazodo is the William Dawson Scholar and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill University. She is also a member of the Neuroimaging and Neuroinformatics research group at The Neuro. She joins The Neuro from the Lawson Health Research Institute in London, Ontario where she was Assistant Professor of Medical Biophysics.

Dr. Anazodo’s current research focus is on intelligent PET imaging for mapping brain health: from molecules to mind. Her lab combines positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to provide a multimodal imaging approach for detecting subtle and early changes in brain function, physiology and neurochemistry. Her priority is on the optimization of next-generation ultra-high-resolution PET imaging systems to permit molecular brain imaging with unprecedented spatial precision and sensitivity. Over the next five years, she plans on developing leading-edge intelligent PET image reconstruction and image analysis tools that leverage advances in machine learning to enable brain imaging in clinical populations at ultra-high spatial resolution and unmatched sensitivity.

Dr. Marie-Ève Paquet

Dr. Marie-Ève Paquet completed her PhD in immunology in 2004 after working under the supervision of David Williams. Her research has focused on the molecular aspects of processing MHC class I antigen in emergency rooms and trafficking to the cell surface. She completed a post-doctoral training in Hidde Ploegh’s lab at Harvard and the Whitehead Institute (MIT) where she used her expertise to develop genetically engineered mice to study the translocation processes of proteins from the ER to cytosol and explore the relationship between viruses and the immune system.

She then joined CERVO to create a viral vector platform focused on optogenetics. Dr. Paquet runs the Canadian Neurophotonics Platform viral vector core localized at the CERVO Brain Research Center. With her team, she now distributes quality vectors to more than 200 laboratories in 12 Canadian universities and 5 institutes as well as several other universities around the world. She is also a member of the executive board of the Canadian Science Platforms Network which was created to network, raise awareness, promote shared science platforms and influence their funding.

Dr. Jeremy Brown

Dr. Jeremy Brown is an Affiliate Scientist at Nova Scotia Health, a Professor in Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Engineering, and a co-founder of multiple medtech start-ups. Currently, Dr. Brown is focused on developing the next generation of ultrasound imaging and therapeutic technologies. Working alongside a team of neurosurgeons, he has created a cutting-edge device aimed at improving cancer patient outcomes using minimally invasive surgical techniques. The tiny device, which measures 3mm x 3mm, is the world’s first high-resolution endoscopic surgical and imaging probe. It combines two different technologies; an ultrafast imaging platform which will allow surgeons to detect and reach brain tumours, and a therapeutic tool that will non-invasively vaporize tissues.

Steve Arless

Steve Arless, BSc’71 (Chemistry), returned to his alma mater, McGill University, in the Fall of 2016 as Professor of Practice in the Faculty of Medicine in the Department of Surgery’s cutting-edge Surgical Innovation Program. More recently, he joined one of Canada’s fastest growing medical technology accelerators, Centech, as Entrepreneur-in-Residence. Academically speaking Mr. Arless completed an MBA at Concordia University in 2008 and then lectured there for several years thereafter.

After graduating from McGill, Mr. Arless worked for 17 years at Smith & Nephew Inc., serving as President/CEO for close to five years.

His innovative talent led him to CryoCath Technologies Inc., a catheter-based cryoablation technology for the treatment of Atrial Fibrillation, which he nurtured from a start-up to commercial success, serving as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from 1996 to 2006, ultimately resulting in a successful exit to Medtronic. He maintained his interest in the diagnosis of and minimally invasive therapies for rhythm disorders of the heart, assuming the position of CEO of Cleveland-based CardioInsight, from 2009 to 2012, with the Company ultimately being acquired by Medtronic.

Mr. Arless then moved on to becoming the Co-Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board (2015-2019) of Soundbite Medical, a Montreal-based shockwave technology company, also in the field of cardiovascular disease therapy.

While at SoundBite, he also initiated a MedTech business incubator and accelerator program at Centech/ETS (Ecole de Technologie Superieure) as well as accepting the position as Professor of Practice within the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University. He continues to work in these two teaching and mentoring capacities.

Most recently (March, 2020), Mr Arless founded and currently leads (as former CEO and current Executive Chairman) ViTAA Medical Solutions, an AI-driven digital health company using cardiac-gated CT imaging data to aid physicians in the better management of patients with AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysms).

His most notable award was Ernst & Young’s 2005 Entrepreneur of the Year in the life science category.

Dr. Hassan Rivaz

Hassan Rivaz is an Associate Professor and a Concordia University Research Chair at the ECE Department with a joint appointment at the PERFORM Centre. He is also the Founding Director of the IMPACT Lab: IMage Processing And Characterization of Tissue.

Dr. Rivaz is an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI, since 2017), IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (TUFFC, since 2018), and IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB, since 2021).

He is a member of the Organizing Committee of IEEE EMBC 2020 in Montreal, IEEE ISBI 2021 in Nice, and IEEE IUS 2023 in Montreal.

He has served as an Area Chair (AC) and Program Committee (PC) of MICCAI for 6 years since 2017, and was an AC of IPCAI 2022. He co-organized tutorials on advances in ultrasound imaging at IEEE ISBI 2019 and IEEE ISBI 2018. He also co-organized the CURIOUS 2018, CURIOUS 2019 and CuRIOUS-SEG 2022 Challenges on registration of ultrasound and MRI in neurosurgery, and the CereVis 2018 Workshop on Cerebral Data Visualization, all in conjunction with MICCAI.

Dr. Julien Cohen-Adad

Prof. Cohen-Adad is an MR physicist and software developer with over 15 years of experience in advanced MRI methods for quantitative assessment of the brain and spinal cord structure and function. He is an associate professor at Polytechnique Montreal, adjunct professor of neuroscience at the University of Montreal, associate director of the Neuroimaging Functional Unit (Univ. Montreal), member of Mila (Univ. Montreal) and he holds the Canada Research Chair in Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Along with his colleagues Prof. Nikola Stikov, Prof. Alonso-Ortiz and Prof. De Leener, he is co-directing the NeuroPoly Lab (, which includes about 30 graduate students and research associates. Prof. Cohen-Adad’s research is highly cited (Google Scholar). As a leader in the field, he organized multiple workshops at international conferences ( He is a frequent guest lecturer on advanced MRI methods and he regularly serves as consultant for various companies (e.g. Biospective Inc., NeuroRx, IMEKA) and academic (Harvard, U. Toronto, UCL, UCSF, etc.) for setting up MRI acquisition and image processing protocols.


8:00am – 8:20am

Registration & morning refreshments

8:20am – 8:30am

Opening & welcoming remarks

Speakers: Dr. Brandon Helfield & Dr. Ahmed Nasef

8:30am – 10:10am

Session 1: Breakthroughs in image-guided therapy

Moderator: Dr. Brandon Helfield

10:10am – 10:30am


10:30am – 11:20am

Morning poster exhibit

11:20am – 1:00pm

Session 2: Advances in applied clinical research

Moderator: Dr. Meaghan O'Reilly

1:00pm – 1:30pm


1:30pm – 2:20pm

Afternoon poster exhibit

2:20pm – 4:00pm

Session 3: Big data and artificial intelligence

Moderator: Dr. Michael Hardisty

4:00pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 4:30pm

Awards & Closing remarks

Speakers: Dr. Brandon Helfield and Dr. Ahmed Nasef

4:30pm – 6:00pm

Networking reception

Demande de résumés

Le comité du Symposium sur la TGI lance une demande de résumés en vue de présentations orales ou de présentations d’affiche sur invitation. Nous sommes à la recherche de contributions originales dans le domaine de la thérapie guidée par imagerie (TGI).

Instructions relatives aux résumés

  • Le résumé doit présenter votre recherche de manière concise et convaincante. Voici les quatre attributs essentiels d’un résumé : exhaustivité, concision, clarté et cohérence
  • Introduction/contexte (introduisez le sujet, le contexte, le besoin clinique, la maladie cible, la description de la recherche, la nouveauté de la recherche/l’innovation)
  • Objectifs/méthodes (abordez l’énoncé du problème, l’hypothèse, les lacunes ainsi que les principaux points de votre travail – la conception et l’approche)
  • Résultats (présentez les résultats significatifs de votre projet en précisant en quoi cette recherche enrichit le savoir scientifique)
  • Conclusions (parlez des répercussions de vos résultats et fournissez des données probantes à l’appui de vos conclusions)
  • Transfert de technologie ou importance (nouveauté, pertinence, stratégie, collaboration, marché, propriété intellectuelle, réglementation, etc.)* si c’est pertinent
  • Présentez tous les éléments de votre résumé (images, tableaux, graphiques, dessins, photos) de façon simple. Le résumé ne doit pas demander d’explications approfondies et doit inclure les références

Critères de soumission d’un résumé

  • PDF, une (1) page au format lettre maximum, 10 MB maximum
  • Police Times New Roman 11 points
  • Toutes les marges doivent faire au moins 2 cm
  • Il est possible de soumettre le résumé en anglais ou en français
  • Noms et affiliations de l’intégralité des auteur-e-s
  • Tous les résumés doivent être interrogeables
  • Il faut intégrer toutes les figures et/ou images à la page
  • En soumettant un résumé, les auteures acceptent que son contenu soit publié sur le site Web du symposium et dans les publications et supports de communication

An IGT Symposium poster presenter presents their work to an attendee.

Submission deadline (DEADLINE EXTENDED): Tuesday, April 30, 2024 @ 5pm EDT

Si vous êtes incapable de soumettre votre résumé au moyen du formulaire Google dont le lien figure ci-dessous, veuillez envoyer votre résumé à Ahmed Nasef à l’adresse Ahmed.nasef [at] sunnybrook [dot] ca .


Kit média du symposium TGI

Veuillez utiliser les ressources suivantes comme ressource pour promouvoir le Symposium TGI 2024 auprès de votre réseau. Nous avons inclus divers atouts pour vous aider dans votre promotion, notamment :

1. Réseaux sociaux – texte et graphiques à utiliser sur les réseaux sociaux (LinkedIn préféré ! Assurez-vous de taguer INOVAIT Canada dans vos publications)
2. Publicité par e-mail – texte et graphiques
3. À propos de la conférence – informations générales sur l’événement et logos

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